Monday, March 9, 2009

Beautiful Melbourne

Well maybe I'm biased but when you can have this less than 5km from Downtown Melbourne ......what can I say!!
Today we had a bit of a mother and son day, amidst howls of protest i think it was actually enjoyed. It was a beautiful day and so my son, Sam and I went to see Como house in Melbourne, which he hasnt seen before and Collingwood Childrens' farm, which he hasn't been to since he was about 4.....he's now 12!

This is Como a grand old house which is being preserved as part of our national heritage by the National Trust. I must confess that the gardens aren't what i once remembered. It has suffered in the drought but thankfully many of the trees survive.Oh and by the way see how the fountain is a little right of centre.....not my photography guys that's how it was built and when it was refurbished years ago they made sure it was still a little bit right of centre!

There is a brilliant veggie garden and chook pen which is about as big as our gack garden and i must say its very becoming.And now to Collingwood Childrens Farm a great place, on the banks of the Yarra. There are gardening plots and chooks galore and pigs, goats, cows,sheep, peacocks, ducks and geese all within a stones throw of the CBD (central business district). Collingwood childrens farm is nestled in a gully of Peppercorn trees on the banks of the Yarra River.
I must admit after looking at all the chickens they had i am in love with their Light Brahmas and they have some ducks to match, although I am more partial to chooks than ducks.

These chooks are lovely, and ...... I want some. Apparently they are very good natured, dont start barnies with other chooks, have nice large cream eggs and look simply lovely!
So I'm besotted......sad eH!

Anyway.....we also saw the pigs and the peacock and Sam played with a calf who really wanted to play. So a lovely day was had by all!

Now I have promised Rob in France I will talk about the ground cover in my header photo. It is a native violet called Viola hederaceae. Its a native member of the viola family which grows quite well as a ground cover and as you can see from the photo above makes a great grass substitute. It copes quite well in filtered sun, although is reasonably frost tolerant and can grow well in the shade.
It does need regular water like most members of the viola family. A pretty and tough ground cover, good for use under canopy trees and shrubs. Small purple and white flowers in spring and summer. Very pretty.

Please feel free to comment and ask any questions .

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your pics. Good looking ground cover. I am not familiar with it but I will check the garden centers on the internet. Thanks, Becca


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