Thursday, September 2, 2010

Writing again

I haven't written anything for ages as I have been working during the week. It means my time at home is much more precious. But also means i may save up for a holiday and will get to pay off some bills.

During this time my partner Graham has been organizing some solar panels for our roof. So after much research and talking to different companies and suppliers over the last few months we have finally commissioned some to be installed in the coming months, just in time for summer.

To be honest I don't know a lot about the technicalities of how they work etc, but our house has a large amount of roof space facing north, (which is like your south if your in the norther hemisphere) so it gets direct sunlight for most of the day during the summer and on sunny days in winter too.

What we dont use will go back onto the grid and be credited to us. Its a 2.6kilowatt system which has 14 panels. We should all going well be able to use them for all our power. So what we save on power bills , once we have paid off the solar panels will be able to go into the house.

When we have it installed i'll take some photos and put them up. This is what the front of the house looks like at the moment:

but soon it will be adorned with some beautiful solar bling! If you would like to leave comments just scroll down and click on the little envelope and then leave a comment!Thanks for reading!


  1. Great to hear that you are installing solar panels. We are thinking of doing the same - and also have a lot of roof facing north (in Sydney). I look forward to hearing how it all goes. Cheers, Lanie

  2. Nice work installing the solar panels - we seeing them popping up all over Melbourne!


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